In continuation of systems like Paypall, Payza and Perfect money; Payeer was created to be one of the active and important systems in global finance. What is Payeer? Payeer for sure the same as other services have some benefits, but the main point is that in this service no body will control your financial activities, it is a new offer for faster exchange and payments. Having said that, this platform is not as complete than it should be; when any system becomes popular for sure there are more challenges for users; so in this article we will try to clarify some points in this case.
Features of Payeer
The advantages of Payeer are so many but the main ideas that made this system unique are more important to mention. Users can transfer money to more than 180 countries in 22 different currencies and for all that you just need the email address of the receiver; Additionally, it should be said that easy access to information of the account and fast notification for users are important points too. The most significant feature is that Payeer users can spend money on the world’s leading betting and gaming sites. Notwithstanding, many users of this service, want to deactivate and delete their accounts; However the reasons can be not clear and for each user is different but what is clear is that Payeer still needs improvements.
The Pathe to Delete the Account
When user made a decision to deactivate or close the account, Payeer required from users an email from the same email that user registered, with the subject of “REQUEST TO DELETE MY ACCOUNT” and the user’s honest reason that want to delete this account; Should mention that the user needs to send this email to [email protected] for complete the process.Payeer will close the account of users in this way as soon as possible. It should be mentioned that before canceling the account, Payeer offers to users, withdraw remaining money or make purchases because as soon as the deleting or canceling process will start, users can not access any information about their account any more.
For sure nowadays currencies like Bitcoin, becoming more popular than before; However these new types of currencies need platforms like Payeer to operate well. Payeer, additionally to what mentioned above, not just supports new currencies, but also improves in case of making a users life easier. In the meantime still is important to know how you can exist from any system and Payeer in this case I can say still need to think about ease of users; Sending email to [email protected] with an explanation, sounds not difficult but still the effectiveness of this way still need to be better.